Nick Dimiduk blog et al.

New Motorcycle!

This project has been a long time coming. Last week I purchased a 2009 Yamaha FZ6R from a friend of a friend. While technically not my first bike, it’s the first one I’ve ridden (as opposed to worked on). I went for my first ride on Saturday and stopped by a friend’s house along the way. He’s also an amateur photographer and kindly snapped a few shots for me.

Photos courtesy of Charles Brophy.[[posterous-content:asJFCaDiBeiuFfeBiorJ]]


“The Best Minds of My Generation Are Thinking About How to Make People Click Ads. That Sucks.”

A recent post in Read Write Web calls out a short and sweet quote which hits close to home:

The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment from Mr. Hammerbacher. Granted, this is slightly better than the financial shenanigans of yesteryear, but still. Come on society! Give us valuable, challenging problems to tackle and let us loose! Between our brains and our brawn we have the power to change the world. And to my fellow Big Data junkies: shame on us! Demand a more productive use of our talents! Why are we targeting better ads and burning away human civilization supporting virtual alternatives when we could be curing cancer? Sure, the pay is good, but you don't have to look very hard to see it's not what it used to be. And hell, even the adland insiders agree that we all could be doing better. I expect more of us and so should you.

While I'm making demands, someone remind the future that I still want my jetpack ;)

Drum and Bass Night

I had the good fortune of being invited out for Drum and Bass night on Saturday – who knew Temple Billiards has a basement AND a weekly show with a thriving community? There was a lot more nuance to the beats than I expected though it could have been louder. The people were really friendly and very into it. No one seemed to mind me using my camera and I enjoyed playing in the low-light.[[posterous-content:EeyjEbFADFpaheIzzIAa]]

Halloween, 2010


Get Plugged.
